Shala Monroque

Alexia Niedzielsk & Charlotte Dellal

Dasha Zukova

On fashion stage there are new daring players. They are beautiful, stylish, witty and independent – IT girls. Gaia Repossi, Margareta Missoni, Charlotte Dellal, Shala Monroque, etc, etc. Their advanced ability to speak the language of elegance and femininity is a perfection of XXI century muse.
I love the thirth photo.
ОтветитьУдалитьi always love to see how they dress up and it is such an inspiration
ОтветитьУдалитьmy fashion blog: therawpower
Olivia Palermo blog
these girls are fab!!
ОтветитьУдалитьthanks for comment on my blog:)