воскресенье, 29 мая 2011 г.

Mood skirt

Fresh summer mood strike me like no other. New clothes, shoes and impressions betoken something totally different in color splashes. My lips are vampy red, my skirt is improperly bright and super heels are ready to act. This summer I love anything with a pop of color right now and fresh green is one of my favorites. Mix maxi skirt with white T-shirt and you’ve got an outfit to make anyone stop and stare…

вторник, 17 мая 2011 г.


I feel like billion years were gone since my last post. Fashion passion, fashion conscience tears me… I was writing my Bachelor Thesis always thinking about how much I need to write here: new trends, shoes, bags, stars, travels… no forgiveness. To expiate my guilt here is a wonderful red Lanvin dress for a starter!